[06/02 07:31:57 PDT] mic 0.24 (imager5 openSUSE 12.2 x86_64) [06/02 07:31:57 PDT] Retrieving repo metadata: [06/02 07:31:58 PDT] DONE [06/02 07:31:58 PDT] Use detected arch i686. [06/02 07:31:58 PDT] Creating tizen bootstrap ... [06/02 14:31:58 UTC] Installing: mic-bootstrap-x86-ar ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [1/1] [06/02 14:31:58 UTC] [06/02 07:32:05 PDT] Start mic in bootstrap: /var/tmp/mic-bootstrap/tizenAfsYpr/bootstrap [06/02 07:32:06 PDT] mic 0.24 (imager5 tizen bootstrap) [06/02 07:32:06 PDT] cannot find config file: /etc/kvmic.conf [06/02 07:32:06 PDT] Retrieving repo metadata: [06/02 07:32:06 PDT] DONE [06/02 07:32:06 PDT] Use detected arch i686. [06/02 07:32:06 PDT] Target image/dir: /srv/snapshots/tizen/emulator/tizen_20140602.1/images/emulator already exists, clean up and continue? [y/n](y): y [06/02 07:32:07 PDT] Refreshing repository: mobile ... [06/02 07:32:07 PDT] zypp architecture is [06/02 07:32:07 PDT] repo problem: nothing provides osp-app-service needed by pattern:mobile-osp-.noarch, [06/02 07:32:07 PDT] repo problem: pattern:mobile-applications-.noarch requires org.tizen.smartsearch, but this requirement cannot be provided, uninstallable providers: org.tizen.smartsearch-0.3.16-2.36.i686[mobile] [06/02 07:32:16 PDT] found 2 resolver problem, abort!